Midori Architects

The Globe and Mail | Thinking outside the box- way outside

[rev_slider alias="deccan-chronicle-cemented-with-design-1" slidertitle="The Globe and Mail | Thinking outside the box- way outside"][/rev_slider][rev_slider alias="the-globe-and-mail-thinking-outside-the-box-way-outside-11" slidertitle="The Globe and Mail | mobile"][/rev_slider] The Globe and Mail | Thinking outside the box- way outside Publication The Globe Published JUL/2015Shanty Scraper, an out of the

The Hindu Education plus | Greener Pastures

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Design In Print Heritage issue | Green versus sustainable versus bioclimatic

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CTBUH Journal | Tall buildings and Urban Habitat

[rev_slider alias="ssmb-magazine-1" slidertitle="Living Magazine | Feb 2018"][/rev_slider][rev_slider alias="ctbuh-journal-11" slidertitle="CTBUH | Journal mobile"][/rev_slider] CTBUH Journal | Tall buildings and Urban Habitat Publication CTBUH Journal Published JAN/2012Buildings are designed to encourage the inhabitants to connect with the natural environment through semi-outdoor transitional spaces

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