Midori Architects

Business Today Magazine | Technology Special

[rev_slider alias="ctbuh-journal-1" slidertitle="Business Today Magazine"][/rev_slider] Business Today Magazine | Technology Special Publication Business Today Published Jun/2021Business Today is an Indian fortnightly business magazine published by Living Media India Limited. Their technology special column talks about the role technology plays in reducing

TATA STRUCTURA | Notions of India

[rev_slider alias="business-today-magazine-1" slidertitle="TATA STRUCTURA"][/rev_slider][rev_slider alias="tata-structura-11" slidertitle="TATA STRUCTURA moblie"][/rev_slider] TATA STRUCTURA | Notions of India Publication Notions of India Published Nov/2021The purpose of the Notions of India Competition is to generate design ideas for an iconic steel structure that represents the future