Midori Architects

Indian Express Indulge | Getting Chennai back

[rev_slider alias="skyscrapers-calendar-judith-dupre-1" slidertitle="Indian Express Indulge | Getting Chennai back"][/rev_slider][rev_slider alias="indian-express-indulge-getting-chennai-back-11" slidertitle="Indian Express Indulge | mobile"][/rev_slider] Indian Express Indulge | Getting Chennai back Publication Indian Express Published DEC/2015Chennai was hit by devastating floods at this point in the history of the city’s

The Hindu Property plus | Start up – Bold and better

[rev_slider alias="indian-express-indulge-getting-chennai-back-1" slidertitle="The Hindu Property plus | Start up – Bold and better"][/rev_slider][rev_slider alias="the-hindu-property-plus-start-up-bold-and-better-11" slidertitle="The Hindu Property plus | mobile"][/rev_slider] The Hindu Property plus | Start up – Bold and better Publication The Hindu Property Published JAN/2015‘Contemporary, minimal and sustainable. –

The Hindu Metro plus | Sky is the Limit

[rev_slider alias="the-hindu-property-plus-start-up-bold-and-better-1" slidertitle="The Hindu Metro plus | Sky is the"][/rev_slider][rev_slider alias="the-hindu-metro-plus-sky-is-the-11" slidertitle="The Hindu Metro plus | mobile"][/rev_slider] The Hindu Metro plus | Sky is the Limit Publication The Hindu Metro Published JUN/2015‘I always thought of how slums aren’t visible in the

Indian Express Indulge | Give me Green

[rev_slider alias="the-hindu-metro-plus-sky-is-the-1" slidertitle="Indian Express Indulge | Give me Green"][/rev_slider][rev_slider alias="indian-express-indulge-give-me-green-11" slidertitle="Indian Express Indulge | mobile"][/rev_slider] Indian Express Indulge | Give me Green Publication Indian Express Published MAY/2015“Chennai has the largest quota of green buildings among Indian metropolises. There is no doubt

Evolo skyscraper book | Volume 3

[rev_slider alias="indian-express-indulge-give-me-green-1" slidertitle="Evolo skyscraper book | Volume 3"][/rev_slider][rev_slider alias="evolo-skyscraper-book-volume-3-11" slidertitle="Evolo skyscraper book | mobile"][/rev_slider] Evolo skyscraper book | Volume 3 Publication Evolo skyscraper  Published APR/2015Will the cities of the future be filled with vertical slums? Informal settlements and the paucity of

Winner Evolo Skyscraper Competition | Invisible Perception

[rev_slider alias="evolo-skyscraper-book-volume-3-1" slidertitle="Winners 2015 | Evolo Skyscraper Competition"][/rev_slider][rev_slider alias="winners-2015-evolo-skyscraper-competition-11" slidertitle="Winners 2015 | Evolo mobile"][/rev_slider] Winner Evolo Skyscraper Competition | Invisible Perception Publication Evolo Skyscraper Published APR/2015This international architecture competition was established in 2006 to recognize outstanding ideas for vertical living and

Deccan Chronicle | Cemented With Design

[rev_slider alias="winners-2015-evolo-skyscraper-competition-1" slidertitle="Deccan Chronicle | Cemented With Design"][/rev_slider][rev_slider alias="deccan-chronicle-cemented-with-design-11" slidertitle="Deccan Chronicle | mobile"][/rev_slider] Deccan Chronicle | Cemented With Design Publication Deccan Chronicle Published APR/2015‘Riding high on a wave of success, architect Suraksha Bhatla was recently placed second at the eVolo Skyscraper

The Globe and Mail | Thinking outside the box- way outside

[rev_slider alias="deccan-chronicle-cemented-with-design-1" slidertitle="The Globe and Mail | Thinking outside the box- way outside"][/rev_slider][rev_slider alias="the-globe-and-mail-thinking-outside-the-box-way-outside-11" slidertitle="The Globe and Mail | mobile"][/rev_slider] The Globe and Mail | Thinking outside the box- way outside Publication The Globe Published JUL/2015Shanty Scraper, an out of the

The Hindu Education plus | Greener Pastures

[rev_slider alias="the-globe-and-mail-thinking-outside-the-box-way-outside-1" slidertitle="The Hindu Education plus | Greener"][/rev_slider][rev_slider alias="the-hindu-education-plus-greener-11" slidertitle="The Hindu Education plus mobile"][/rev_slider] The Hindu Education plus | Greener Pastures Publication The Hindu Education Published AUG/2014Environmental architecture encompasses all aspects of the built environment - from the basic level of

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